Okay guys, I knooow you must be sick and tired of having to stare at these same darn stone walls over and over again, and I'm sorry 'bout that. The thing is just that it's a necessary sacrifice I have to make in order to get more photos as these days I'm taking a majority of them myself. If I had the time, I'd run around the city scouting for great shooting locations, but unfortunately that is not the case :/ So yeah, here they are again in their all glory, the magnificent stone walls, ladies & gentleman.
Moving on to more interesting things, how cool is that scuba sweater? I ordered it a while ago 'cause I fell in love with the simple green print on it. Weekday somehow always delivers the most interesting printed sweaters, I tell ya! Such a shame they closed the store in Helsinki, blahh.
Photography by Outi
ooohh, ihana jotenki ton collegen ja takin yhdistelmä. se on varmaan noi värit!
Mikaela: Hei kiitti paljon! Aluks mä vähän epäröin ton takista pilkottavan oranssin vuoren kanssa, mut sitten se toimikin kuvissa aika buenosti! :-D
Nice backpack :) M&MFASHIONBITES mmfashionbites.blogspot.gr
Maria V.
Noi lenkkarit on kyllä taas katukuvassa. Oot ihan IN! :) Jatka samaan malliin!
its casual style, so great.
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