Hello.....IT'S MMEEEEEEE. Haha ok, so long (and really boring) story short; my laptop charger broke and had a really hard time finding a new suitable one. Hence the absence. Anyone wanna recommend some good small sized (approx 13 inch screen) laptops? Preferably other than Macs 'cause well, can't afford one, lol. Got an HP right now and it's been working pretty good but it's getting old and I want a smaller and more convenient one to carry around. So got any tips?? Pls, do shout out! I'm hopeless with technology :/
This very basic look is waaay back from like a month(?) ago. You know, that time when it was still too warm for that leather jacket. Boohooo, Summer WHY do you hve to leave us? Still got too many warm weather suitable outfit ideas to shoot and it's getting dangerously chilly (already) by the day, YIKES! Now I'm getting back to Netflix and my newly found (old) favorite show from the 90's, Freaks and Geeks, haha! Anyone remember that? The nostalgia OMG! Oh and young James Franco don't hurt either.
/Voi argh, heti kun aloin saamaan taas blogijutut rullaamaan, rupes tekniikka tökkimään. Tietenkin. Mulla ollut tässä siis läppärilomaa, kun koneen laturi otti ja hajos pari viikkoa taaksepäin. Uutta saikin sitten etsiä ympäri kyliä kissojen ja koirien kanssa, kunnes oikeanlainen vihdoin löytyi. Vastoinkäymisestä huolimatta kamera on kuitenkin räpsinyt suht ahkeraan, joten onneks mulla onkin nyt jemmassa muutamat asufotot editointia odottelemassa, oujea.
Tää kyseinen melkoisen beisikki lookki on kylläkin jo noin kuukauden(?) takaa, jolloin oli vielä jopa LIIAN lämmin nahkarotsikeliksi. Näin elokuun lähennellessä loppuaan (eeeeeeeiiiiiiii) on jo nyt kieltämättä ikävä noita päiviä, buu. Ei auta muu kun pistää se kamera laulamaan vielä kun voi pukea muutakin ku neuletta neuleen päälle!
Nyt Netflixin ja mun uudelleenlöydetyn lemppari ysäriklassikkosarjan pariin. Kuka muistaa vielä Freaks and Geeksit?? :---D Bonuksena James Franco nuorukaisena.
Oo girl, young James Franco never hurts!
Have you tried stalking some local facebook selling pages for a mac? I knot it sounds weird but no way can i afford a brand new macbook, luckily i just joined a bunch of selling pages for my town and managed to buy mine, 1 year old for £400 which is amazing, worth a try? x
Fashion Dew // Bloglovin'
Dung Sport
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áo gió nam hà nội
bộ gió thể thao nam
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bộ nỉ thể thao nam
quần thể thao nam
quần áo thể thao nam
đồ thể thao nam
Mua sextoy gia re
Địa chỉ bán sextoy ở hà nội
Hope this message finds you well. I just wanted to send a quick follow up and ask you to please check your inbox for any messages from me, I sent a few in the last weeks but got no replay from you so maybe they are stuck in the wrong folder. I would appreciate you emailing back as soon as you have the time.
Blair from Irresistible Me
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